I, like many in the United States have spent the last several days in a fog. I was immersed in grief after having hopes dashed of what the future presidency could look like for the country. No matter your political or ideological leanings, we have all felt that despair when our preferred candidate does not win. For a host of reasons this election felt different, and I will spare using this space to go into detailed account as to why, but rather, I will use this moment to celebrate a truth that I have known for sometime and I have had to rely on heavily in these past few days. The ultimate truth is that the source of my power does not lie in a political candidate or anyone else.
I spent several days after the election lethargic at work, doing workouts with less than full vigor, and limiting the ways in which I contributed to others. When people asked what was wrong, I would say the election, I would say my disappointment was causing me to move with less resolve than I normally do.
It was one eventful morning on the treadmill when it came to me; the election was not the cause for why I was showing up as I had, I was. -Neither Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were with me hindering me from getting up and having productive workouts, keeping me from completing the task I had at hand, or from being able and willing to contribute to others in the ways I normally do.
I was giving power to a process (an election) that never asked for, nor was not deserving of my power. I realized that if I did not get a hold of my responsibility to effectively manage myself, I would begin to harbor resentment in ways and in directions that were not merited. When we rely on others through a democratic process to be our “source” for more than governmental policy and procedure; but instead, for our joy, for our pain, and for our enhanced, or limited contributions, we do not fully honor ourselves, or their position. So slowly, one step at a time I am reflecting on my power and responsibility. As I continue to remember my ultimate source of all, I get greater access to my own power, and to my own ability to enact change. You see when we use our internal compass to guide us to truth, it matters less whether the road ahead is rocky or smooth, because we are confident in our guide and in knowing that through strength, faith, and love, our destination will find its kinship with destiny.